
Monday, July 18, 2011

Apartment Garden Part 2

Our tomato plants have been doing fabulously, besides a case of bloom and rot on one of them. The parsely is more than we can handle. And everything else is slowly but surely growing. We can't wait for lots and lots of peppers and tomatoes! For now we are enjoying all the herbs. To all my fellow apartment dwellers: the bookcase garden is a success!

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Baby

Necessity: To keep my "baby" a baby.

I find myself more often wondering when my nearly year and a half old turned into a toddler. But I guess I'm lucky because many people are surprised to hear how old she is. She is a self proclaimed vegetarian with attitude and is still itty bitty. I love that I can still tote her on my hip wherever I go and that she still looks like a baby to most people. I fear that this summer will be the last where she can get away with wearing such "baby" clothes. I made her this romper last night while watching SYTYCD and making dinner, because this girl cannot have too many rompers!

Oh how I love that peekabo cut out. So funny and chic all at the same time.

Great pose sister!
The ($1.50 a yard!!!) fabric feels so vintage to me. I love it.

Speaking of vintage, our photo shoot with Lora Grady Photography is coming soon! We will be decked out in vintage Sunday picnic attire. Lora is in DC right now shooting a wedding, so I'd keep my eye on her site this weekend to see the shoot!

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Fourth

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. And in case you've never been to Provo's Freedom Festival, it seems an unspoken requirement that all children be draped in the flags colors. I had been hoping to make this, but after scouring DI, I couldn't find a single polka dotted blue shirt. And then I found this beauty for $3. I snatched it up and turned that size 6 dress to a 12 month sized shirt and skirt.

Looks like a DI dress to me. But with a little elastic and some redone sleeves you have:

A patriotic shirt and skirt set perfect for going to church...

Or just a shirt to wear to a parade while eating a chocolate frosted donut.

Happy Fourth, to you and yours.